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Officer Oliver Obtuse, also known as Lolli Lögga (Lolli Cop) in Icelandic, is LazyTown's bumbling policeman. Who is, surprisingly enough, more of a pushover then he is a crimefighter. LooksAfram Latibaer[]In Afram Latibaer, Obtuse's appearance is that of the stereotypical cartoon police officer. He wears a black suit with a white shoulder strap and belt. He has a baton attached to said belt. He also has a black and white police hat. Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ[]In Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ, He gets an updated outfit which was also used for his puppet design. He wears a shiny dark blue uniform with a matching hat and gold buttons. He also has a whistle and baton. Trivia