LazyTown is an Icelandic children's television series created by Magnús Scheving. It was commissioned by Nickelodeon in 2003 and first aired on 16 August 2004. The show has its roots in a storybook published in 1995, which was adapted into two stage performances and a test pilot. PlotThe show stars Stephanie, a young girl who has just moved to a community called LazyTown to live with her uncle, Mayor Meanswell. There, she meets a group of friends—Ziggy, Trixie, Pixel and Stingy—who do not know how to lead healthy lifestyles. With the help of a superhero named Sportacus, Stephanie helps to teach everyone in LazyTown how to be active and happy. Her attempts are often nearly thwarted by the bumbling villain Robbie Rotten, but his schemes are prone to failing. Episodes
53 episodes were produced for the first two seasons between 2004 and 2007. After Turner Europe acquired LazyTown Entertainment, the show was revived for two new seasons, consisting of thirteen episodes each, that aired from 2013 to 2014. Characters
The series has nine main characters, all of which originated in the stage shows. Three of the main characters are played by human actors: Stephanie, Sportacus, and Robbie Rotten. Ziggy, Trixie, Pixel, Stingy, the Mayor, and Bessie are all played by puppets. Several episodes feature guest characters. Trivia |
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