Haninn, known as The Rooster in English, is a recurring character in the LazyTown franchise. He is the laziest individual in LazyTown, and his only responsibility is crowing every morning. The Rooster's most prominent appearance is in the LazyTown live show Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ. When the LazyTown concept was adapted for television, some of the Rooster's traits were added to the character of Robbie Rotten. The Rooster does not physically appear in the TV series, but his crowing can be heard frequently throughout the show. Other references to him remain; for example, the symbol of LazyTown is a rooster and the Mayor's paper files display a rooster logo. Other, subtler references include a rooster figurehead on Rottenbeard's ship and a rooster sculpture in the Mayor's kitchen. StoryHannin appears stubbornly accustomed to the lazy life style of Latibaer prior to the arrival of Íþróttaálfurinn, and as such, begins the play by referring to the town as intolerable due to the noise of the residents’ exercise routines interrupting his naps. As a result of this, he decides to remain in Latibaer when Glanni Glæpur shows up. He is also very self centered, siding with anyone who happens to suit his own needs. For instance, he is initially disapproving of Íþróttaálfurinn for disrupting his sleep pattern, but instantly sides with him after Glanni sprays poison on him. He often believes himself to be the centre of attention, for instance thanking the town for their support and acting as mayor after Glanni (as Rikki Ríki) is voted in. Despite this, none of the other characters bar Glanni appear to be very aware of his existence. DescriptionThe Rooster is the laziest resident of LazyTown. He is so lazy that if someone tried to give him a prize for laziness, he wouldn't feel like taking them up on the offer. His only task is waking the LazyTowners by crowing every morning. The Rooster endures in his ways, constantly getting away with all sorts of handy plans; for example, paying the roosters from other towns to crow for him or playing his crow via a tape recorder. The Rooster lives right in front of the outer walls of LazyTown. He owns a hammock, a TV, and easychair. He usually lies comfortably in his hammock and gossips about everything and nothing. The Rooster is, in certain respects, a pure marvel of a bird. LooksThe Rooster has white feathers, brown eyes, and a light orange beak. He has two overgrown feathers on the top of his head and a wrinkled forehead. He wears brown slippers on his feet. AppearancesThe Rooster appears in the following LazyTown works: Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ[]Wit Puppets[]Unused footage filmed from 1999-2002 Crowing instances[]The following episodes feature the sound of the Rooster crowing: